Recursos COVID-19 para
educadores y familias
COVID-19 Resources for
Educators and Families
we frequently add more resources to this page as information is provided
con frecuencia agregamos más recursos a esta página a medida que se proporciona información
We are all taking precautionary measures to keep our educators, families, and children healthy and safe. Please know our team is still available remotely so if there is anything you need, Quality Matters and MCOE are here as a resource and support.
Todos estamos tomando medidas de precaución para mantener a nuestros educadores, familias y niños sanos y seguros. Tenga en cuenta que nuestro equipo aún está disponible de forma remota, por lo que si necesita algo,
Quality Matters y MCOE están aquí como recurso y soporte.
COVID-19 Information / Información
Sesión informativa en español con el Hospital Natividad y el
Departamento de Salud del Condado de Monterey. Video de 4 de febrero, 2021
Family Fun / Diversión familiar
Websites / sitios
• Healthy Habits - Bilingual website by CDC to learn more about preventing the flu and other viruses
• Guidance for Childcare Programs that Remain Open - This information is intended for child care programs that remain open and should be used in conjunction with CDC’s guidance for administrators of child care programs and K-12 schools.
California 4 ALL - Bilingual website Guidelines and resources for safely reopening early learning & care. En espanol
Finding Child Care / Encontrar cuidado infantil
My Child Care- Find local child care facilities with this joint collaboration between CDSS, CDE, and R&R's
Mental Health Resources / Recursos de salud mental
Documents / documentos
Reopening Procedures / Procedimientos de reapertura
California 4 All- Early Learning & Care Playbook This site can be translated into Spanish. Receive up-to-date guidance and resources to create a safe and nurturing early learning and care environment for children and providers.
• COVID-19 UPDATE GUIDANCE: Child Care Programs and Providers
Stronger Together- A Guidebook for Safely reopening Public Schools. Page 39 starts the Early Learning and Care Section
California Department of Public Health issued Updated Guidance for Child Care Programs and Providers - aims to support child care providers and programs as they begin to reopen and other programs transition from emergency childcare
CDC's Child Care Decision Tree - this tool is to assist directors and administrators in making (re)opening decisions regarding child care programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CA ECE Programs Opening & Reopening Guide - Every Child CA. California's ECE practitioner support guide to reopening.
Social Distancing Guidelines to follow when reopening your ECE site- Quality Matters has complied the most updated guidelines to navigate through COVID-19 guidelines for opening as an emergency childcare site.
Distance Learning Resources / Recursos de aprendizaje a distancia
Learning with or without Electronic Devices
Edutopia’s 7 tips for managing successful online learning
How to Keep Kindergartners Engaged in Distance Learning
Common Sense Media- Help children become digital citizens. Supports in making routines & rules.
Learning kit- help build a schedule and age appropriate learning apps. In Spanish too.
• Epic Free accounts to educators. Interactive books children can read alone. Offers pre and post questions to support educator in engaging child’s critical thinking skills
• inquirED Free Inquiry prompts for week long projects. Focused on early learners integrate literacy and social studies..
• DREME Math Kits Free hands on activities focused on math In Spanish too.
• NAEYC Math at Home toolkit - Young children math activities
• NASA STEM projects for K-gr.4
• NAEYC 10 Tips to Support Children's Science Learning
• PrepScholar 37 Cool Science Experiments for Kids to Do at Home
Project Based Learning
• 3CSNH Projects for remote learning
• High Quality Project-Based Learning
•Acera’s Remote Learning projects resources to make virtual learning engaging and fun.
Art & Music
• Wide Open School creative activities/projects for kids by age group
• Tinkerlab Encouraging kids to tap into their creative energy
• Cosmic Kids Yoga. Fun Yoga for kids based on stories & characters
• Brain Breaks easy movement breaks to help refocus little learners
And More..
• Two-Week Lesson Plans for Grades TK-12 - Courtesy of Santa Ana USD
• ISHCMC International School: Ideas for Early Years At-Home Learning
• We Are Teachers: Netflix educational shows
• Common Sense Media: Podcasts for Kids
• FabFoundation - Support Maker Learning from Home - “Unplugged” Lessons