Professional Development
Online Resources
Quality Matters Monterey Orientation Resources
Everything you need to know about Quality Matters Monterey and the Quality Counts California QRIS initiative.
Orientación en español
Todo lo que necesita saber sobre Quality Matters Monterey y la iniciativa Quality Counts California QRIS.
ECE Environmental Resources / Recursos Ambientales de ECE
Various websites to help you in preparing for your ERS assessments.
Unifying Areas of Specialization for FCC Quality Improvement sites
Building capacity within our QM sites through intentional and equitable possibilities
ZOOM Technical Support
Configuración de interpretación en el teléfono inteligente / How to use interpretation setting on Zoom app
Cambiar su nombre en la aplicación Zoom en el teléfono inteligente / How to rename yourself on Zoom app
California Early Care & Education Workforce Registry
The California ECE Workforce Registry is a state, regional and local collaboration designed to track and promote the education, training and experience of the early care and education workforce for the purpose of improving professionalism and workforce quality to positively impact children.
Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)
Child Development Permit information
Child development training consortium (cdtc)
ECE & Child Development Student Stipends
Early Childhood Education Student Career & Education Program. Community College students apply here to receive funds to pursue a career in child development at one of 105 participating California Community Colleges
Child Development Permit Stipends
The Child Development Permit Funds Project is available to applicants statewide. The CDTC pays the permit application fee (if eligible) and Live Scan fingerprint processing reimbursement (if applicable) for the Child Development Permit levels listed below, including permits with a School-Age Emphasis.
CA Mandated Reporter Online Training
¡Ahora disponible en español! En el registro, simplemente seleccione el curso titulado "Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil".
California Department of Education
Early Education Division (EED) Provides leadership and support to contractors and the child development community, ensuring high quality early education programs are provided to children ages birth to 13 years.
California Preschool Learning Foundations
The California Preschool Learning Foundations outline key knowledge and skills that most children can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development. The foundations can provide early childhood educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program.
California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) Resources All CPIN resources in one place.
The Alignment of the California Preschool Learning Foundations with Common Core Standards
This online publication shows the alignment of the California Preschool Learning Foundations with Key Early Education Resources: the California Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations, California Content Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework.
Preschool through Third Grade (P-3) Alignment
California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
Anti bias / advancing equity in ece resources
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Anti Bias Resources
Anti-bias education work in early childhood is shaped by a deep-seated belief in the importance of justice, the dream of each child being able to achieve all he or she is capable of, the knowledge that together human beings can make a difference. Listen to the voices of children who have experienced anti-bias education at school or at home. They give us hope and direction.
The NAEYC Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement (additional resources in link)
All children have the right to equitable learning opportunities that help them achieve their full potential as engaged learners and valued members of society. Thus, all early childhood educators have a professional obligation to advance equity.
The Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Resource Equity
Learn about disparities in the experiences of young children of color and children from other marginalized communities in early childhood settings; discover strategies for IECMHC to impact early childhood professionals’ beliefs, attitudes, and practices to support more effective caregiving for all children, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, class, or a myriad of demographic characteristics; and better understand policies and procedures, including data collection and analysis procedures, to bridge disparities.
The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance Newsletter Classroom Resource web page
From film kits and lesson plans to the building blocks of a customized Learning Plan—texts, student tasks and teaching strategies—our resources will help you bring relevance, rigor and social emotional learning into your classroom—all for FREE.
The Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) Children’s Responses to Crises and Tragic Events
Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and young children who experience a tragic event may show changes in their behaviors. They also may be indirectly affected by a crisis through what they hear or see on TV. In this tip sheet, learn what families and staff might see in children’s responses to a crisis. Also, find additional resources about this topic.
The Head Start ECLKC Building Resilience to Cope with Stress and Trauma
Ongoing research shows that adversity and high levels of stress in early childhood can have a negative impact on a person's life. Stress can affect a child's health, behavior, and ability to learn. However, adults can encourage resilience in young children and in themselves. Resilience is the ability to cope with the stress caused by challenging situations. Find resources below that can help caregivers and families understand the signs and dangers of stress in young children. Learn about strategies to promote resilience and support positive outcomes.
The American Psychological Association (APA) Talking to kids about discrimination
Discussing discrimination can be hard enough for adults. Talking to kids about the subject can be especially daunting. Unfortunately, many people are uncomfortable discussing racial differences. But when it comes to talking to children, experts say diversity and discrimination are subjects that shouldn’t be ignored.
Embrace Race For Eight (8) Tips for Talking to Your Child About Racial Injustice
Without guidance, children are likely to develop biased attitudes from exposure to negative racial stereotypes, racial disparities, and segregation. Take these steps for the children in your life to be inclusive and just.
California Early Childhood Online (CECO)
CECO- California Early Childhood Online
To support early childhood teachers, CECO provides hosts online trainings to meet the ever-changing needs of the early childhood field. Learn more about DRDP, CA Preschool Foundations and Framework, and more.
developmental Observations & health screenings
DRDP modules on CECO- California Early Childhood Online
To support early childhood teachers, CECO provides hosts online trainings to meet the ever-changing needs of the early childhood field. Learn more about DRDP, CA Preschool Foundations and Framework, and more.
Desired Results for Children & Families (DRDP)
DRDP Padlet All DRDP resources in one padlet link.
Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns
As an early care and education provider, you play a critical role in the health and wellbeing of children. You are also very well positioned to help identify children who might need extra help in their development. This FREE, online training course, Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns, helps you fulfill this role by providing tools and best practices for monitoring the development of children in your care and talking about it with their parents.
Welcome to the All About Young Children website where you can find out about what skills help children learn, how they learn language, how they learn about feelings and relationships, how they learn about numbers, and how they become skillful at moving their bodies.
Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
Want an inside look at ASQ®? These clear and engaging videos give you a visual introduction to developmental and social-emotional screening with ASQ®-3 and ASQ®:SE-2.
EARLY Childhood Investigations
Early Childhood Investigations is an ongoing series of conference-quality free webinars for early childhood educators. The webinars explore critical topics that offer new ideas and insights to early childhood professionals, especially administrators.
Resources to support with developing early literacy in the early grades.
The Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Online Read-Alouds & Activities.
Information Handouts Folletos En Espanol Various handouts to help you in preparing for your ERS assessments.
ERS Institute Environment Rating Scales Institute
ECE Environmental Resources / Recursos Ambientales de ECE Various websites to help you in preparing for your ERS assessments.
Let’s talk about Proprioception – our hidden sixth sense! It is essential to help the brain to know where the body and limbs are in space.
Understanding STEAM and how to implement it in your classroom.
The California Inclusion and Behavior Consultation (CIBC) Network
California Map to Inclusion & Belonging: Making Access Possible
Their mission is to provide a statewide system of support, information, and resources for families and providers that will facilitate barrier-free access to inclusive child care for children birth to 21.
HeadStart Inclusion Information Center
Infant toddler development
Program for Infant Toddler Care
PITC believes responsive, respectful care in a relationship is key for supporting early learning, rather than developing lessons for infants to master. Adults who implement the PITC find ways to allow for, expand, adapt, and encourage infants' efforts to pursue their inborn learning agenda.
Zero to Three's mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. Learn more about how early connections last a lifetime.
Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE)
a network of infant-toddler professionals who are passionately dedicated to empowering parents and caregiving professionals to provide the secure and respectful beginnings children need for a healthy life. They do this by teaching Magda Gerber’s Educaring™ Approach that affirms that caring educates children about themselves, and that in the infant-toddler years, caregiving is the curriculum.
Multilingual learners
CDE's Dual Language Learners Professional Development
Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL)
Preschool Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD®)
The National Center for Quality Teaching and Learning
These short videos are a professional development resource for staff in busy, active early childhood centers and programs. They are organized around one topic or big idea and address effective teaching and assessment practices.
Crosswalk of the 15-Minute In-Service Suites with the CLASS®
The Crosswalk of the 15-Minute In-service Suites with the CLASS® connects teaching practices and learning activities found in these in-service suites with the domains and dimensions of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)®.
Early Childhood Inclusion Materials. The SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library was designed to strengthen the inclusion of young children with disabilities and their families in programs serving infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The Library includes four learning modules. Each module contains a presenter’s guide, training scripts, handouts (in English and Spanish), and videos (in English, and with English and Spanish captioning).
Teacher Time Birth to 5 Series
Teacher Time and Coffee Break series includes separate presentations for infant and toddler and preschool teachers and family child care providers. The infant/toddler series focuses on implementing curriculum in a responsive learning environment. The preschool series offers tips for making classrooms more culturally and linguistically responsive by building the curriculum and instructional decision-making around children’s knowledge, skills, and interests.
Social Emotional
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is a national resource center for disseminating research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs across the country. CSEFEL is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5.
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI)
Build an enhanced awareness of, understanding of, and ability to use evidence-based practices to improve the social-emotional outcomes for young children with, or at risk for, delays or disabilities. The conceptual model TACSEI uses to deliver this important information is the widely endorsed Pyramid Model framework for promoting social-emotional competence and addressing challenging behavior.
Center For Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
The Center translates research in healthy mental development into materials tailored to the needs of each of the target audiences, and makes them available on their website. The Center gathers in one place a wide range of materials that address the needs of staff and families for practical guidance on effective ways to promote young children's social and emotional development, and reduce challenging behaviors.